Wednesday, August 26, 2009

it's really rainin' out

a storm just arrived and now my windows are open and i'm listening to the rain pour down and the thunder rumble. i love it. especially since today--the first official day of classes--i don't have to be on campus.

it almost always storms on the first day of classes. pathetic fallacy? i think so. usually, i teach on tu/th and don't have to be there, but part of me feels a little sad for the freshmen, many of whom have probably thought long and hard about their "first-day-of-college-classes look" and now have to walk to class through torrential rain, ruining whatever impression it was they wanted to make. poor little rain-soaked freshmen. at least they'll be joined by rain-soaked teachers!


caron said...

how is it that ole sporty doesn't go to school the first day of classes? are you really an educator? or perhaps a spy?

b said...

shhh. don't tell.