i get emails for other "bstaffords" on my gmail account on a fairly regular basis. there's a bev out there, i think. and a brian. i get a lot of emails for brian. he gets invited to a lot of great parties in san francisco. if i lived there, i would totally show up to some of them.
and today, i "met" him. this morning, he sent his itinerary for a flight from london to dublin to "his own" address. i emailed him back and let him know that, as much as i'd love a trip to ireland, i doubted i could pass for him. he wrote back to say thanks and to say he was glad to know who was first in with the bstafford gmail address.
it's funny to finally have contact with this person i get mistaken email for all the time. i don't know him at all--but i kind of know a fair bit about his life. and, i'm kinda proud to have been first in line for that gmail address. hehe.
do you have an email doppelganger? have you met him/her?